Third Post - For Loop In Javascript

Sep 2nd 2019 by Vladyslav Ganushkevych

For Loop In Javascript

Sometimes you need to do some action repeatedly.

For example here, for whatever reason I want to output “Hello loops” five times.

console.log("Hello loops");
console.log("Hello loops");
console.log("Hello loops");
console.log("Hello loops");
console.log("Hello loops");

Loops offer an easy way to do this.

There are several different ways to implement loops in Javascript.

  • for statement
  • while statement
  • do..while statement
  • statement
  • for..of statement
  • Today we’ll learn how to use the most basic one, the for statement.

for loop statement has the following signature:

for (initialExpression; condition; incrementExpression)

We have a keyword for, then in brackets we have initialExpression, condition and incrementExpression.

Then goes the statement, or group of statements in curly brackets that will be executed on every iteration.

When a for loop executes, the following occurs:

  1. The initializing expression initialExpression, if any, is executed. This expression usually initializes one or more loop counters. This expression can also declare variables.

In theory if you don’t need to initialize additional variables to use them in this loop - you can omit this part. But you’ll have to leave the semicolon.

  1. The condition expression is evaluated. If the value of condition is true, the loop statement or statements execute. If the value of condition is false, the for loop terminates.

You can omit the condition expression as well, then it will be true by default. But be careful with that, because then you’ll be locked in an infinite loop.

  1. The statement executes. To execute multiple statements wrap them in curly brackets.

If present, the update expression incrementExpression is executed. Control returns to step 2.

Now let’s try a real example.

Let’s say we want to output “Hello loops” again, but now using the for loop.

for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
  console.log('Hello loops', i)

What happens is that first the let i = 0 is executed. So we declare a new variable, called i and then assign value 0 to it. Then the condition expression is evaluated.

Currently it checks that i is less than 10. i equals 0, it’s less than 10 so the condition returns true and our console.log statement is being executed.

Then i get’s incremented by 1, and we continue from the condition part.

Now theoretically you could just return false from the condition, so it will never be execetud.

for(let i = 0; false; i++){
  console.log('Hello loops', i)

Why would you do that? I don’t know but it’s possible.

for(let i = 0; false; i++){
  console.log('Hello loops', i)

You can also omit any part of the for staement. Or even all of them alltogether.

Try guessing what will happen in this case?

for(; ; ){
  console.log('Hello loops')

It will cause an infinite loop, because an empty condition is being resolved as true by default.

Vladyslav Ganushkevych

Front-end developer.I am 33 years old and my passion is programing and aviation! I am flexible with my work timings and can work in a team.

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