First Post - What Is The Difference Between Let, Const and Var In Javascript

Sep 1st 2019 by Vladyslav Ganushkevych

What Is The Difference Between Let, Const and Var In Javascript

One of the most important things in programming is to clearly express your intent.

With release of ES6 we got two new keywords to define identifiers for our values: let and const.

Before that we had only var in our toolbelt. And in my opinion using let and const instead allows you to write more clear, eloquent and expressive code.

Simply speaking let allows you to define the identifier which value can be changed in the future, and const defines the one that is unchangeable.

Now let’s figure out how it all works.

Using var

In Javascript var declares new variable:

var someVariable;

// undefined

Initially it’s value will be undefined.

After you’ve declared new variable you can assign it new value.

var someVariable;
someVariable = 1;

// 1

You can also combine those two steps and assign variable it’s initial value while declaring it:

var someVariable = 1;

// 1

You can declare variables in different scopes. In Javascript var can have on of two types of scope: global or function scope.

If you declare variable inside some functions body - it will only be visible inside this function and also functions declared inside of it. This is function scope.

Otherwise if you declare variable outside of any function - it will have global scope. And will be visible in all the functions you will use.

Another important thing about var in Javascript is that you can access it before it is declared. It is possible because of the process called hoisting.

That means that variable declarations are moved to the top of their scope when Javascript is being executed.

// undefined
var myName = "Vlad";

In this example console.log will output undefined. It happened because the declaration of myName was moved to the top.

So this code is equivalent:

var myName;
myName = "Vlad";

It’s important to note that only variable declaration is moved to the top, not value assignment.

Ok, now you know about the scopes and hoisting, let’s move on.

Using let

let is a block scoped version of var. That means that it’s visibility will be litimed to block, statement or expression where it was defined and all the inner blocks.

So if you declare a variable using let inside a for loop - it will be visible only inside this for loop block.

for(let i = 0; i < 100; i++){
    // Here it will output all numbers from 0 to 99 

// Here you'll get "ReferenceError: i is not defined"

Contrary to that var would be visible outside as well:

for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++){
    // Here it will output all numbers from 0 to 99 

// 99

And I think it’s more desirable behavior. I can’t really think of an example where you would want to have access to that i variable outside of the for loop.

In fact I think that the behavior of var in this case is even more bug prone. Because it allows the unwanted use of previously defined variables and can lead to confusion.

Also variables declared with let don’t get hoisted.

// Here you'll get "ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration `myName' before initialization"
let myName = "Vlad";

And again, I can’t come up with an example where you would really want to have the variable hoisted.

So in modern environments let seems to be a better, more controlled alternative for var. And if you need an identifier which value you can change - let is a preferred option.

Using const

const has the same differences from var as let does, and on top of that, after it’s value is defined - it can’t be re-assigned.

It’s important to note that value still can be changed:

const dragon = {name: "Ancalagon the Black"} = "Glaurung" // This is valid

dragon = {name: "Glaurung"} // This is invalid


So as a recap let is non-hoisted, block-scoped version of var. And const is also non-reassignable on top of that.

In my code I prefer to use const whenever possible. This allows me to signalize to myself and other developers that certain variable is not meant to change.

So my recommendation is to never use var and prefer const and let instead, as they provide more context to develope and act more predictably.

Vladyslav Ganushkevych

Front-end developer.I am 33 years old and my passion is programing and aviation! I am flexible with my work timings and can work in a team.

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